Motivation is critical to achieving a high level of performance
Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. Finding that magic mix of people to deliver exceptional service is one of the most challenging elements all organisations and […]
What is extended workforce software and how do you track the value you are getting?
Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. Here’s one for you…” Why did the customer bring a magnifying glass to their latest software provider QBR? Because they […]
What deployment approach works for you?

What deployment approach works for you? Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. I can’t emphasise enough how important selecting the right deployment approach is, you and […]
THE YES FACTOR! Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. This is not my attempt at creating a new reality show for the extended workforce, although that […]
Expanding your extended workforce from North America to Europe
Expanding your extended workforce from north America to europe Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. Throughout my years in the industry, I have assisted many buyers […]
PART 2 – “I’ve got the key, I’ve got the secret”, it’s consistency
PART 2:“I’ve got the key, I’ve got the secret”. It’s consistency! Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. To follow on from part 1, where I covered […]
Impacts of Poor Stakeholder Alignment
Impacts of Poor Stakeholder Alignment when Implementing a Solution to Manage Your Extended Workforce Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. Managing an extended workforce, which includes […]
What makes it difficult for a buyer to select Extended Workforce solutions?
What makes it difficult for buyers to select extended workforce solutions Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. During my career in the Extended Workforce one of […]
PART 1 – “I’ve got the key, I’ve the secret”. It’s Consistency!
PART 1 : “I’ve got the key, i’ve got the secret”it’s Consistency! Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. I was seventeen when the Urban Cookie Collective […]
How data is key to understanding your scope
How data is key to understanding your scope Thanks for taking the time to open and read my points of view, I’m extremely passionate about all the topics I blog about and even if you take one thing from this let me know. Throughout my 20+ years in the Extended Workforce industry, the need and […]